Cherry Tree Trail Concerns

On 12/30/2013 7:10 AM, STEPHEN K*******   wrote:

This trail has not been maintained. There are trees across it and weeds and and small trees are taking over. We lost the trail and had to bushwack back to the main trail. Please maintain the trail, mark it as unmaintained or take the sign down. It's okay if it isn't groomed but it should be a discernible trail

BREIA Response:
We apologize for any confusion on that trail. According to our maintenance director, "Earlier this fall the Cherry Tree Trail was cleared. Since then it is possible with all the wind we have had more trees have fallen.  There has not been enough snow yet this season to open the Cherry Tree. If and when we get more we will clear and groom the trail.".

I'm told today that a crew is working on improving conditions on that trail, clearing and with better markings.


Do you want your money back..?

Do you want your money back..?