Egypt Road or SkyFields/Jackson Hill?

On 1/31/2013 11:04 AM,  Glenn wrote:
I am bringing a group from NJ to ski Presidents Day weekend at the 3 different trail sets.  I figure since we will be there at around noon that Friday, the Canal Trail with its Domser Road Trail off-shoot will be a good place to start.  Saturday or Sunday, we plan on skiing either Egypt Road or Skyfields on Jackson and Monday morning, we will ski whichever one of those two we didn’t ski before.  My question is, since we will need to be on the road by around 1pm Monday to go back to NJ, which of these two trail sets has more trails?  I would like to set it up to ski the largest set of trails when we have a whole day to ski.
I have brought groups before to your beautiful ski trails.  We always ended up going to the Canal Trail on our first day and Egypt Road on our last day and as a result, have never made it to the Great Trail section of Egypt Road Trails.  We have also never made it to the SkyFields on Jackson Trail set.
Thank you in advance!
 Hi Glen...

Based upon your information, I would suggest the following:
Friday:  Continue with your practice of starting the weekend with the 
Canal Trail. Assuming you are doing out-and-back (from either end), your
skiers can go whatever distance their stamina can handle. If you have 
never started at the Trails End parking lot at the south end, you might 
try it this year.  That way it is basically a slightly uphill ski 
outbound, and a downhill ski back to the cars. Or, if your group can do cars at both ends and ski the whole distance, with part of the
group skiing north to south and the other south-to-north. 

Saturday/Sunday: Since you haven't been able to do the Great Trail yet, I suggest you go to Egypt Road and spend the day there...having lunch at the warming hut. Start at either parking lot, or, again, perhaps spot cars 
at either end.
Monday: Head to the Jackson Hill trails. You won't be able to cover all 
of the trails in a morning, but your group members can choose a route 
based on their individual skill level.  trails. 
My suggestion? Less experienced skiers can use the trails on the north side of Jackson Hill Road: Into-the-Woods, the Easy Loop, and Skyfields.  Better skiers will be challenged by the south-side trails...the Serpentine Loop, Hillside and Telemark trails.  The Into-the-Woods trail to the Adirondack Field trail is a relatively easy two hour loop that brings you back by the warming hut.

I suggest that you print out color trail maps for all skiers from our "Trail Conditions" pages.  This way they can all be comfortable about where they are are any time. 
Please note that you will have no Verizon Cellular service on or near the SkyFields trails. There is also no cellular service at all on the lower (southern) half of the Canal Trail.

Have a great weekend!
