After learning from BREIA's web site that the trails had received another foot of new snow on Thanksgiving and that most of the Egypt Road trails had been groomed on Friday, I decided to drive to Alder Creek on 11/29 to give them a try.
WOW! Conditions were nearly perfect and the snow-covered landscape is beautiful. It was a mostly sunny day with temps in low 30s during my visit.
I skied four different trail segments (16.4 miles in all).and was rewarded with this view of the Adirondacks.
I saw/heard ravens, bluejays, black-capped chickadees, hairy woodpeckers and a white-breasted nuthatch plus many deer tracks, turkey tracks, red squirrel tracks and mouse tracks.
Looking forward to my next visit...
Dave Behm
Clifton Park, NY
Dave Behm
Clifton Park, NY
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